Gray is Great!

• The glory of youths is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their gray hair. – Proverbs 20:29

• Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. – Proverbs 16:31

Treatment of our Elders – Respect to our elders, seeking their wisdom, and connection to them are Biblical practices.

• You shall rise before the aged, and defer to the old; and you shall fear your God. – Leviticus 19:32

• Remember the days of old, consider the years long past; ask your father, and he will inform you; your elders, and they we will tell you. – Deuteronomy 32:7

• Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength is spent. – Psalm 71:9

• Do not speak harshly to an older man, but speak to him as to a father,… to older women as mothers. – 1 Timothy 5:1-2

• You who are younger must accept the authority of the elders. – 1 Peter 5:5

What Older Christians Can Do

• The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon… In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap. – Psalm 92:12,14

• Thus says the Lord of hosts: Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of their great age. – Zechariah 8:4

What Older Christians should do

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